We want you to get the care you deserve.
A place for you to find some resources that will help guide you on your health journey.
National Eating Disorder Association
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
ED Referral
Eating Disorders Anonymous
International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians
Academy for Eating Disorders
Intuitive Eating
Health at Every Size
International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
101 Ways to Help Your Daughter by Brenda Lane Richardson & Elane Rehr
Almost Anorexia by Jenni Schaefer
Binge No More by Joyce Nash
Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison
Crave by Cynthia M. Bulik
Fearing the Black Body by Sabrina Strings
The Art of Body Acceptance by Ashlee Bennett
Unapologetic Eating by Alissa Rumsey
Gaining: The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders by Aimee Liu
Goodby ED, Hello Me by Jenni Schaefer
I’m Beautiful? Why Can’t I See It? By Kimberly Davidson
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Life Without Ed by Jenni Schaefer with Thom Rutledge
Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery by Colleen Reichmann
Raise an Intuitive Eater by Sumner Brooks
Surviving an Eating Disorder by Michele Siegel, Judith Brisman, Margot Weinshel
The Beginner’s Guide to Eating Disorder Recovery by Nancy Kolodny
Talking to Eating Disorders by Jeanne Albronda Heaton & Claudia J. Strauss
Sick Enough by Dr. Gaudiani
Hunger by Roxane Gay